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Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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Persistence of Vision Raytracer Ver 1.0
Machine specific source files
This archive contains other archives which have the machine specific C
source, link and make files for POV-Ray. Each has a .CAT file describing
the files it contains. You will need to rename your computer's config file
to config.h and be sure to include your computer's .c,.h,.lnk and .mak
files in the compile directory. If your computer is not included try using
the unix or gcc files. Be sure to read PORTGUID.TXT found in MISC.ZIP
before making any code changes. Many of the .mak and .lnk files will need
small changes to run with your computer. Directory names are usually the
only change needed.
amiga.doc - system-specific documentation for Amiga
amigacon.h - Amiga configuration header -- rename to config.h
amiga.c - system-specific code for Amiga
amiga.mak - makefile for Amiga (Lattice C)
amiga.cat - a list of files in AMIGA.ZIP
IBMPC.ZIP - archive of files for IBM-PC's and compatibles
ibmconf.h - IBM-PC's configuration header -- rename to config.h
ibmicb.mak - make and link file for Intel Code Builder (ICB)
ICB is used for the IBM-PC release version of POV-Ray
_get_ebx.obj - Small util file needed for ICB compile
ibm.c - system-specific code for IBM-PC's under all compilers
for both protected and non-protected modes.
ibmmsc.mak - makefile for Microsoft C
ibmmsc.lnk - link file for Microsoft C
ibmbc.mak - makefile for Borland/Turbo-C
ibmbc.lnk - link file for Borland/Turbo-C
ibmgcc.mak - makefile for Gnu CC protected mode (386) compiler
ibmgcc.lnk - linkfile for Gnu CC protected mode (386) compiler
ibmwat.mak - makefile for Watcom C
ibmwat.lnk - link file for Watcom C
ibmwat3.mak - makefile for protected mode (386) Watcom C
ibmwat3.lnk - link file for protected mode (386) Watcom C
ibmzor.mak - makefile for Zortech C/C++
ibmzor.lnk - link file for Zortech C/C++
ibmzor2.mak - makefile for 286 extended memory mode Zortech C/C++
ibmzor2.lnk - link file for 286 extended memory mode Zortech C/C++
ibmzor3.mak - makefile for 386 protected mode Zortech C/C++
ibmzor3.lnk - link file for 386 protected mode Zortech C/C++
ztc386.asm - source asm file for Zortech 386 mode display code
ztc386.obj - object file for Zortech 386 mode display code
zpm.def - misc file for Zortech protected mode
rtlink.cfg - file for use with RTLINK program
ai.lib - needed for TIGA support (Texas Instruments Graphics Adapter)
extend.h - needed for TIGA support (A specialized graphics chip used )
tiga.h - needed for TIGA support (on the Hercules Graphics Station )
tigadefs.h - needed for TIGA support (and some other 24 bit cards. )
ibm.cat - list of files in IBM.ZIP
MAC.SIT - StuffIt archive of file for Mac
The MAC.SIT archive contains machine specific files for compiling POV-Ray
on the Macintosh. It was not compressed using the standard archive format
because the Stuffit format is much more common in the Mac world.
It can be extracted using the Stuffit Expander, available from Aladdin
through any one of the following sources:
America Online: use QuickFinder with the following words to describe
your area of interest: stuffit expander
Compuserve: join the MACSYS forum, and search the libraries for the
following keyword: stuffit
The latest version as of 4/26/92 is: stufex.sea, if you want
to download it without searching the libraries.
The Twilight Zone BBS: (619) 480-2435, Escondido, CA. Download StufEx.sea
from the files section.
The Graphics Alternative BBS: (510) 524-2780, El Cerrito, CA.
You Can Call Me Ray BBS: (708) 358-5611.
Files in MAC.SIT:
components.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
config.h - Mac version of the configuration header file.
DoPOVPerf - an MPW file for doing performance analysis of POV-Ray
ImageCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
Mac.cat - listing of files in MAC.SIT
POV.C - Main application, mac-specific support routines.
POV.Make - MPW-specific make dependency file.
POV.r - MPW-specific resource source code file (SIZE rsrc)
pov.?.rsrc - POV-Ray Mac resources (dialogs, balloon help, icons etc.)
POVMac.h - Header file for POV.C and TextEditor.c
printf2window.c - support code for redirecting C stdio to a window
printf2window.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by POV.C
ReadMe.txt - Release notes for using or compiling the Mac version of
SaveCmpPict.c - QuickTime compressed picture saving code for POV-Ray
SaveCmpPict.h - header file for QuickTime compressed pictures
StdCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
StdCompressionGlue.o - Apple glue code for using QuickTime under MPW
StdCompressionGlue.? - Think C version of glue code
stdio_p2w.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by config.h
TextEditor.C - Code for the POV-Ray Source definition file editor.
VAX.ZIP - archive of files for VAX
vax.doc - system-specific documentation for VAX
vaxconf.h - Vax configuration header -- rename to config.h
vaxbuild.com - makefile for VAX
vax.c - system-specific code for VAX
vax.cat - list of files in VAX.ZIP
UNIX.ZIP - archive of files for Unix
unix.doc - system-specific documentation for Unix
unixconf.h - UNIX configuration header -- rename to config.h
unix.c - system specific routines for UNIX
unix.mak - makefile for UNIX
xwindows.c - B&W or color X Windows code for UNIX systems
xpov.ico - the Icon for X Windows
xwindows.mak - makefile for X Windows
gcc.c - system specific routines for Gnu CC
gccconf.h - header file for Gnu CC -- rename to config.h
rs6conf.h - header file for HP RS6000 -- rename to config.h
unix.cat - list of files in UNIX.ZIP
MACHINE.CAT - list of files in MACHINE.ZIP